Saturday, June 21, 2014

More Baby Chicks

It's official, we're hooked. After we added ducklings to our flock, we acquired 12 more baby chicks. We've had them almost 2 weeks now and they are getting along quite well with the ducklings.
We made a little playpen for them in the yard the other day so we could try introducing some of the bigger chickens, but they've been living in the brooder David made for our first batch. The bigger chickens didn't express much opinion one way or the other.
We aren't planning to keep all of them, though our city does not have restrictions on the number of poultry we can keep, so we could if we wanted. We just want more hens, but it's so easy to get attached to these little creatures. Let's just hope they are all pullets (girls) so we don't have to find new homes for the cockerels (boys).

What are your thoughts? Do you think they are as cute as I do? Do you want little chicks of your own?

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, they are adorable!!! I love them when they are brand new like that.


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