Thursday, January 1, 2015

8 Tips to Help You Drink Enough Water

One of the goals I've spent a lot of time working on is drinking enough water. I imagine we all know that adults should be drinking a minimum of 64 oz a day, but just because you know something is good for you doesn't mean it's easy. 
 During a group discussion last semester, one of my classmates revealed that she is lucky to get 16oz in and wanted to know what tips I had. If one person found this information valuable, I imagine there are plenty of others who would too, so here is the advice I gave her, plus a few extra ideas I came up with while editing.
 Feel free to pick and choose from the suggestions, I have used all of them at one time or another, but not necessarily at the same time:

  • Drink good tasting water. Sometimes that means spending extra money on either bottled water or filters, but i consider it a preventative medicine to drink enough water, so if I can make room in my budget, I do.
  • Flavor it. Try some lemon, lime, fruit, herbs, or anything that sounds good.
  • Drink it at room temperature. It will actually hydrate you better. However, if you prefer it cold, drink it that way.
  • Make water available and easily accessible all day. I've tried several variations- After my babies, I've filled the hospital jug and kept it near me all day and night. Sometimes it's as simple as leaving a filled glass of water on the table and refilling it anytime it empties. The goal being to take at least one drink every single time I walk by. 
  • Use a straw. For some reason I can gulp down a ton of water if I use a straw.  I can do it fairly mindlessly, so I don't feel like I'm drinking as much.
  • Use tall glasses/bottles. I find it less daunting to drink 4 16oz bottles or 6.5 10oz glasses than 8 8oz glasses. It's all mental and it may not work for you, but it helps me.
  • Drink while exercising. I aim to drink at least 16 oz before, during, and/or after exercising.
  • Drink a glass with any medicines or vitamins. When I take my vitamin or any medicine, I aim to drink at least a full 8 oz (for each medicine) and that helps too.

What tips would you add?

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