Tuesday, November 4, 2014

$300 Grocery Experiment: week 1 plans

This week we are starting our $300 monthly grocery budget experiment. It took me quite awhile to come up with a suitable meal plan that I could buy every single ingredient needed for $75 or less. It took some compromising on some ingredients, but I really want to show how my process of grocery shopping and budgeting starts from the very beginning. I hope I give you some ideas and feel free to email me (address found in the "Contact Me" tab above) or leave a comment below with any questions or friendly comments.
To follow is both my meal plan and the accompanying grocery list for everything you'd need to make these meals. I'll share the actual prices for each item later this week.

Planned dinners:
Planned lunches:
  • Peanut Butter and Jelly w/ apple, pineapple, grape, or ants on a log
  • Leftovers 
Planned Breakfasts:
  • Oatmeal with sugar and raisins
  • Cheerios with bananas and milk
  • Pumpkin pancakes
Planned Grocery List

bananas (per pound)
frozen peas and carrots
pasta sauce
canned beans
canned tomatoes
bag flour
butter (1lb)
sugar (4lb)
strawberry jam
grapes (2lb)
raisins (20oz)
sweet peppers
chili powder
dozen eggs
baking powder
baking soda
brown sugar
bag carrots
cream cheese
sharp cheddar
bacon bits
green onion
tomato sauce
sliced olives
bag potatoes
peanut butter
1 tomato 
bag onions

Buying all of the basic pantry items added up to such a large portion of the budget that there isn't enough room for the typical American diet amount of meat. However, you'll notice that we are still getting plenty of protein through beans, peanut butter, and some cheese.
I wish there were a little more room in the budget for some additional fruits and veggies, but we're still getting some.


  1. My comment got lost in cyberspace..but I was just telling you that i found your blog all the way from Sweden. Googled living on a budget and ended up in here. Since then I have been in here now and then to look at your recepies and everything else you write about. In Sweden it is very hard to live on one income but you inspire me to try and be happy for less;) thanks for a great blog . Pia

    1. Aww, I'm so glad to help. A lot of my ancestors were from Sweden, so that is neat that you found me. I didn't realize it was so difficult to be a one income family there. It seems like more and more of the world is going that way.

  2. I spend 250-300 on groceries for a 5 week time spread. For a family of 4 (2 adults, 1 teen, 1 child). The menu plan is a must, and self-discipline with cooking is a must (no ordering out when too tired to cook!). It works well for me, and it has proven to be successful as I have been doing this for over 3 years now. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Snacks all included! Plus cleaning supplies whenever necessary! Again, it takes management and self-discipline. And good recipes, of course! :)


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