Friday, May 30, 2014

Welcome to Family Living on a Budget

Hi, I'm Anna, creator of and now this blog. I've loved encouraging others to make their budget (however small) work for them and want to continue to do so, but needed a name change.
In this blog you'll find most of the great things you loved about One Income Family Living. The only difference is I'm going back to school with the intention of going back to work when I'm all done/the baby goes to school.
I've loved being home with my kids and wouldn't change the time I've had with them for all the money in the world, but circumstances change and Heavenly Father's plan for our family is starting to show something new.
I hope you'll join me here as we continue to navigate the twists and turns in our family life on a budget.


  1. Congratulations on going back to school! I'm a teacher too and I love it! It is the perfect job for a mom too. I've loved your old blog and look forward to following the new one.

    1. Thank you. I've wanted to be a teacher for a long time.

  2. Good luck on going back to school. I will follow this blog just as I did the One Income Living blog.

    1. Thank you. I'm glad you will continue to join me.


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